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  • 執筆者の写真MARU EIGO

NHK ラジオ英会話Lesson 005 REVIEW


Lesson 001 何よりも大切な文型

Tony: Look at those kids dancing over there. Can you see them? Aiko: I can’t see them from here. Tony: Let’s go a a little closer. Aiko: OK. Oh, I can see them now. They are junior high school students. Tony: They’re really good. I love hip hop dancing. Let’s go and watch them for a while. Aiko: I hope they don’t mind. Tony: They’re practicing. I’m sure they don’t mind.

Pick-Up Phrases

Look at those kids dancing over there. あそこで踊っている子たちを見てごらん。

Can you see them? 見える?

Lesson 002 動詞イメージと文型

Jake: Hi, I’m Jake. How are you doing? Amy: Fine, thanks. I’m Amy. Jake: Where are you from, Amy? Amy: I’m from San Francisco. I arrived in Houston last night. I have a basketball match at 3. Jake:Good luck! I have a match today, too. Jake: Oh, are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet? Amy: No, I haven’t. Jake: How about having lunch with me and my teammates? Amy: Oh, great. I’d love to.

Pick-Up Phrases

I arrived in Houston last night. 私は昨夜ヒューストンに着いたの。

Lesson 003 形は文の意味を支配する

Ken: How was the chicken burrito, Susie? Susie: It was delicious and I love this Mexican atmosphere. How did you find this place? Ken: My dad runs this restaurant. Susie: Oh, really? Is he here now? Ken: No, he isn’t. He is on a business trip in Dallas. Susie: Oh, I see. Well, please say hello to him and tell him that I really enjoyed the food. Ken: Thank you very much. I will.

Pick-Up Phrases

My dad runs this restaurant. 僕の父がこのレストランを経営しているんだよ。

Lesson 004 自動型

Customer: Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain. Shop Clerk: Of course. Let me take you to the travel section. Customer:Thank you. (旅行書の棚に移動する) Customer: Oh, there are so many. Which book do you recommend? Shop Clerk: This one is the most popular. Here, you can look through it. Customer: Thanks a lot.

Pick-Up Phrases

I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain. スペインのガイドブックを探しているんです。

you can look through it. どうぞ、目を通していただいてかまいません。




使用表現例 drink coffee: コーヒーを飲む a cafe: カフェ look at: ~に目をやる photo: 写真 on (her) phone: スマートフォンで remember: 思い出す


A girl is drinking coffee in a cafe. She is looking at a photo of a man on her phone. She is remembering the day she first met him.


A young woman is enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee in a cafe. She is looking at a photo of the cool guy she met the previous evening. She is wondering if he’ll call her.

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